We grow 100% Kona coffee on our farm. We have several orchards organized in rows on the hill side as well as
several plantings in the shade of tall macadamia nut trees.
Our farm is lined with 186 macadamia nut trees that provide us with a bountiful harvest. In addition to the coffee and nuts, we have many varieties of
fruit trees. We have common mangos, Haden mangos, golden globe mangos, papayas, pineapples, guava, lychee, cherimoya, soursop, lime, sour orange,
pomegranate, avocado, bananas, figs, coconuts, monstera, custard apples and noni. We also grow cacao and kukui nut.
Every guest is treated to a tour of the farm. Todd will show you how we process the coffee and care for the trees.
When you arrive, you will have a bouquet of freshly picked flowers as well as an assortment of in season fruits.
Coffee trees in bloom.
Close up of coffee flowers.
Todd pulping coffee. Once the cherry is picked from the trees, the next step is pulping. The soft covering is removed from
the coffee and the seeds (beans) are then fermented in water over night. The beans are then rinsed several times with water and placed
in the sun to dry.
Coffee drying in the sun. Coffee at this stage is called parchment.
Noni is a traditional healing fruit. It is also known as Indian Mulberry. Although, not the best smelling when ripe, its
medicinal uses are many. It eases pain, fights infections, improves mental clarity, improves digestion and rids the body of
harmful free radicals.
Macadamia nuts are a delicious treat. They are ready to eat when they fall to the ground and the husk has split open.
Remove the husk and use the mac nut cracker to open the nut. Either eat the nut fresh or roast it in the oven briefly,
sprinkle with some sea salt and enjoy. Chocolate covered macadamia nuts make a terrific dessert. They also make a nice addition to
banana bread or any other recipe that calls for nuts.
We have a small planting of pineapples. They are small pineapples, but they are absolutely delicious. They are sweet and smell fantastic.
While cutting up a fallen mac nut tree, Todd found a female Jackson's Chameleon. She was very cool and liked climbing up Todd's sweaty head.
The chameleon especially seemed to enjoy perching on Todd's safety glasses.
You will not need an alarm clock on the farm. There are many chickens roaming the farm that love to let you know when
it is time to rise. Beautiful wild pheasants and turkeys walk around the farm as well. Numerous species of birds
and butterflies can be seen in the flowers and trees here.
Strolling around the farm you can see various trees including Tahitian palms, coconut trees, bottle palms and neem trees. There are bird of paradise
and white bird of paradise flowers as well many types of hibiscus. When the plumeria trees are blooming, there
is a wonderful scent in the air. The macadamia nut trees produce a delicate hanging bunch of white flowers and the coffee
trees bloom small white flowers with a unique scent. They are a cross between jasmine and citrus. We have anthurium and cactus. The green ti
plants bloom large bunches of white flowers. The ti leaves are used in traditional Hawaiian cooking for steaming fish.
Pink hibiscus flowers.
Bird of paradise flower.